Spiritual Hypnotherapy

Spiritual Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy services are designed to help you tap into the immense intelligence of your mind. As a result, you can make lasting changes to bad habits and limiting beliefs.

Hypnosis can improve the way you think, feel and behave

Empowered Alchemy Specialised Hypnotherapy

My sessions with clients are powerful and unique, as I combine healing and hypnotherapy in one unique session to heal, transcend and move beyond the  limitations in your life that hold you back or seem to cause you grief and suffering.

You no longer need to feel trapped in an inner prison of your mind.

Hypnosis works by putting you into a deep state of relaxation, then feeding your mind with positive new ideas that support the change you desire.

Clients seeking hypnotherapy services are just like you and me. For instance, we are successful, busy people and we function well in most areas of our lives.

But, we just need help with everyday life such as; work stress or family and relationship issues.

Some of us need help with mental and emotional issues – perhaps we are depressed, anxious or suffer panic attacks. We struggle with bad habits, eating addictions or drinking problems that continue to bother us throughout our lives.

How can hypnosis services help?

Hypnosis services can help people from all walks of life, to let go of bad habits and limitations. As a result, you can look forward to reaching your goals and maximising your potential.

Most importantly, every single person is filled with hopes and dreams and mixed emotions.

Similarly, we are each shaped by our insecurities, fears, limiting beliefs and individual life experiences.

While you are in hypnosis you’ll visualise living your life the way you want it to be. You will be guided to tap into strengths and resources to make lasting changes and receive pure healing energy throughout the session to activate and stimulate your body’s natural self-healing capacity.. There’s more to you than you’ve realised. Yes, you can make your goals become your reality.

It’s important to mention that hypnotherapy is a brief form of therapy. However, it all depends on the issues you want to resolve.

Studies indicate that it takes 28 days to create new habits. Above all, repetition is the key to lasting change. For best results, your commitment and follow through with the recommended sessions is going to be paramount.