Space Clearing Stories

Space Clearing Stories

Space Clearing is a powerful and effective means of eliminating disruptive, negative and intrusive energies from your home or business. Read some of the success stories below where Caterina was able to create a fresh start for some of her clients and families.

Home Energy Clearing – Katie
Home Energy Clearing After four happy years in our first home, my husband went through an extremely stressful time in his work life. This began to impact on our relationship and our home felt unsettled. Both…
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The Hellfire Club
As I walked through the building, my vision took me back to the past. I felt the cold energy of death all around me and I could see coffins lined up in rows. Sadly I could hear the echoes of tormented people…
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Negative Energy from the Past
I received a call from a very anxious woman. Her family had been stressed and exhausted since moving in to their new home two years before. While she could not find the energy to clean or manage simple chores, …
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Historic Haunted House
Ever since moving into the home, they had experienced terror and sleepless nights. Every time a family member stood at the top of the home’s staircase they felt a strong hand try to push them down.
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Lost Soul Interference
An extraordinary story about a home full of spirits, their attachment to antiques and a spirit haunting of a small boy.
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